Dr.Chanchal S Bherwani



13 years experience

About Dr.Chanchal S Bherwani

Dr. Chanchal S Bherwani is a Periodontist and Implantologist in Manpada, Thane and has an experience of 10 years in these fields. Dr. Chanchal S Bherwani practices at Chetna Dental Junction in Manpada, Thane and Chetna Dental Junction in Mulund West, Mumbai. She completed BDS from Padmashree Dr. D.Y Patil Dental College & Hospital,Pune in 2004 and MDS from Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College Hospital, Navi Mumbai in 2010.She is a member of Indian Dental Association. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Periodontics, Implants, Implantology, Acrylic Partial Denture and Periodontal Flap Surgery etc.You can find various information about Dr. Chanchal S Bherwani on Timesmed.com. You can get the phone number of Dr. Chanchal S Bherwani on Timesmed.com



Mulund-West, Mumbai
Dr Chanchal's Chetna Dental Junction Block #100/7A, Agara Road , Landmark Opp Johnson & Johnson Garden,Near Chedda Petrol pump, Mulund-west,Mumbai-80, Mumbai


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