Dr.L. Lakshmi Kanta Rao



15 years experience

About Dr.L. Lakshmi Kanta Rao

Dr. L. Lakshmi Kanta Rao is a Dentist in Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad and has an experience of 15 years in this field. Dr. L. Lakshmi Kanta Rao practices at Sri Raghavendra Dental Clinic in Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad. He completed BDS from SB Patil Dental College in 2001. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Teeth Whitening, Braces, Bleaching, Teeth Straighting and Bps Dentures etc. You can get the phone number of Dr. L. Lakshmi Kanta Rao on Timesmed.com



Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad
Sri Raghavendra Dental Clinic Sahara Road, Vanastalipuram. Landmark: Opp. M.E. Reddy Function Hall, Hyderabad


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