1 years experience
First Visit Cronic Cases consulation(Case taking)= INR 600/- Acute Cases Consultaion Fee=INR 400/- Days : Monday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. Sunday (Morning only) Weekly off : Tuesday. Dr. Deepti's Homeopathic clinic is dedicated to the diagnoses and trewatment of virtually every type of chronic and acute illness. It is a podium for people coming up with querries and opinions about their diseases and problems be it physical or psychological. Dr. Deepti has clinical experience of more than 15 years. Her visio is to spread homeopathy to each and every individual who needs a healthy life without any side effects , for this she has organised many awareness camps. Dr. Deepti has an extensive experience in management of chronic diseases like heart problems (Agina, Palpitation, PDA(Hole in the heart),Facial palsy, Paralysis. During her course of professional education, Dr. Deepti Sawhney has recieved special training in the management of cases of tumor , cancer , thallesemia. She has successfullyutilised this knowledge in her practce. Her consultation has helped in : Managing stress and Depression with Medicine and Counselling, Improving the vision, Childhood Asthma, Removal of Warts, Veterinary Diseases, Stones. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Deepti Sawhney on
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