Dr.Sivakumar K

MD - Alternate Medicine, MBA - Hospital Management

Yoga and Naturopathy

17 years experience

About Dr.Sivakumar K

Healer K.Sivakumar was studied in the course of Diploma in Acupuncture and Diploma in Herbal Medicine, Yoga and Naturopathy in Rohini Institute of Alternative Medicine, Chennai, Advance level courses in Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science, mumbai, Doctor of Medcine (Altermative Medcine) in Medicina Alternativa, affiliated to International Open University of Complementary Medicines, Srilanka and M.B.A.(Hosp.Mgt.,) in Alagappa University, Karaikudi.Acupuncture practical experiences learn from Prof. Dr. Lohiya, Chairmen of Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science & Prof. Dr. Anton Jayasurya, Medicina Alternativa, Afflated to International Open University of Complementary Medicine, Healer is specialized in Acupuncture treatment by classical Acupuncture (Pulse way cure system) diagnosing through pulse and treatment given by single needling therapy and Clinical Acupuncture through Micro systems of Acupuncture with body acupuncture. Basically Healer is interested in the field of traditional siddha system of treatment because his uncle Maru. B.Harikrishnar was motivated him, after that he shared the experience from Dr.P.Thirugnana sambanthan, Director of Rumi & Rohini Global, Prof.Dr.E.Mayiswran,Founder of Rumi Herbals & Rohini Global, Dr.Mahalingam, Director of Maha Siddha Ashramam. You can get the phone number of Dr. Sivakumar K on Timesmed.com.



Choolaimedu, Chennai
AvuvA Alternative Medicine A37, Water Tank Road, M.M.D.A.Colony, Landmark : Near IOB, Chennai


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