1 years experience
Namoh clinic is a comprehensive, prevention –oriented Health care System is based on the ancient vedic health science as brought to link in charak samhita and re enlivened by Namoh clinic in its completeness. This system, rather than dealing with symptoms, addresses the deeper levels of physiological imbalances and thereby rebuilds and maintains health from its most fundamental level. Namoh clinic ayurveda Medication, which makes use of the full range of biological intelligence of herbs and other natural resource, coupled with vedic food, TM, Yoga asanas and pranayam provide holistic treatment and cure specially for such ailments pranayam provide holistic treatment and cure specially for such ailments where modern medicine is known for its limitations and ineffectiveness like jaundice, asthma, gout, joint pains, diabetes, allergies, sleep problems, premature ageing and chronic diseases. You can book an instant appointment with Dr. Anushri Tomar on
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